“Googling”, browsing the internet and using apps for many things in life has become the norm for most people. This includes health care. While I always recommend that your health care provider should be utilized for most major health decisions, there are some helpful internet sites, apps and blogs that I steer patients to who would like to do their own research. Here is a list of some of those sites (and some fun “non-medical’ ones!)
Wellmom –T his App can help your mood and staying positive, answer questions to figure out what is normal during and after pregnancy and help manage stress
MommyMeds – This app is designed by Texas Tech University Health Science Center’s Infant Risk Center. It allows you to search or scan medications, receive instant information on drug safety and whether it is considered safe for pregnancy and breast feeding. I do however, recommend that you let your healthcare provider know if you intend to start or stop a medication.
Baby Kicks Monitor – Fetal Movement & Tracking – This App helps all moms keep track of fetal kick and movements from 28 weeks on. This can help make sure your baby is doing well in between your regularly scheduled provider visits.
About Herbs – This App is by Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center’s Integrative Medicine Service.” A pharmacist and botanicals expert provide comprehensive, objective information about herbs, botanicals, supplements and complimentary therapies, and more.” As I mentioned before, please consult with your health care provider if you plan to start or stop an alternative medical treatment.
WebMD Pregnancy – You can get more than 900 doctor approved articles, videos, slideshows, quizzes, checklists and medical advice about your pregnancy.
WEB SITES — This is my favorite all time website for anything medical! Healthcare providers use this site daily for clear, concise and up to date information regarding practically anything relating to medicine. There is an excellent patient portal to use for your own research and I routinely refer patients here. – This website addresses all things regarding women’s health. As providers of womens’ health, this is the organization that establishes most health care guidelines for women of all ages. There is also a patient section that is very informative and discusses most health and procedure questions and concerns for women. – This is the official site for the American Academy of Pediatrics and a great resource for pediatric health. – North American Menopause Society – Provides essential information regarding menopause and beyond. – Good site for basic, easy to understand research on all things medical. – This is a very informative website put out by the March of Dimes. There are daily articles on current events that can affect your pregnancy and health. Topics range from amusement parks and pregnancy to the Zika virus. – This website is a good resource for overall wellbeing. It talks about current medical topics, diet, recipes and pediatric vaccination schedules just to name a few. – A very helpful website that is mostly focused on breastfeeding issues and solutions.
Your Pregnancy and Childbirth: Month to Month, revised 6th edition from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy : From Doctors Who Are Parents, Too!
The Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy
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